
The Center operates in the following areas in order to realize its purpose: a) To support the education, research and practices in fisheries and related fields in the faculties, colleges and vocational schools of Trakya University. b) To carry out research and practice in aquatic ecosystems, such as aquaculture and hunting, and to provide consultancy services on related issues. c) To conduct research on the problems that may arise or may arise in the field of water and fishery products and to offer solutions. ç) To collect scientific data that may be needed on water and fishery products. d) To conduct research on the biological richness and water quality of aquatic ecosystems. e) To organize scientific meetings and events such as national and international symposiums, workshops, conferences, courses and seminars in order to encourage research and applications. f) To cooperate with national and international institutions and organizations, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders carrying out scientific studies in the fields of water and fishery products. g) To carry out consultancy, expertise and similar activities within the framework of the relevant legislation.
This content was issued on 26.08.2022 and has been viewed for 88 times.